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– REMIT Reporting & RRM Service and
– Inside Information Platform !
Webware REMIT Service makes compliance simple and straightforward.
Since 7th October 2015, market participants are required to provide ACER with a record of their wholesale energy market transactions through a selected Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRM).
In addition, in almost cases a registration at the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) is required, which reports the data to the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
Following companies may be subject to registration:
The EU-regulation 1227/2011 on integrity and transparency of energy wholesale market (REMIT) sets mandatory notifiable obligations for market participants of electricity and gas market:
Transaction data
In October 2015, Webware Internet Solutions GmbH was added to the ACER list of RRM as one of the first companies in Germany. All fundamental and transaction data messages have been certified and can be transmitted to ACER with our Webware RRM-Service.
Swiss Federal Electricity Commission ElCom
Swiss market participants are also affected by reporting obligations. Based on Article 26a of the Electricity Supply Ordinance, the same information must be made available to ElCom as under REMIT, typically via a Registered Reporting Mechanism (RRM).
GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe)
We forward the data to the GIE platforms AGSI and ALSI.
The REMIT RRM software solution includes the following features:
Standard Contracts
Non-Standard Contracts
Gas Capacity
Gas Nominations
Gas Transparency
Electricity Rights
Electricity Bids
Electricity Total Allocation
Electricity Nominations
Electricity Configuration
Electricity Generation Load
Electricity Outage
Electricity Publications
The following chart provides an overview of the messages, checks and feedback exchanged:
The new developed Excel templates can create and send LNG-data, GasCapacity, Storage, Standard and Non-Standard Contracts. On request individual Excel templates for different message types can be developed.
The software provider Klafka & Hinz Energie Informations Systeme GmbH, DACHS GmbH, KISTERS AG spupport an interface to the Webware RRM Service. Further systems can be connected on request.