Single Position Monitor
Monitor module of single working position – BH RSP
BH RSP module allows to display and register work of single working positions. This module performs displaying of actual handled weight at current moment of time in real time mode, and compare it to planned weight at current moment of time. There will be easy recognized colored indication for status of working positions, which includes inactive status when no worker registered, active status with successfully performed plan till current moment (that will be displayed with green color gamma) and not achieved plan value, which will be displayed by yellow color gamma.
BH RSP module has an advanced detailed panel in lower half of the screen, which is displaying trolleys flow through this working position. This allows to see details about passing trolleys, which includes its carried product type, weight and other information. Passing of trolleys is registered in real time by worker actions at this position and operated by scanned barcodes or RFID tags reading.
As additional functionality the module allows to register and unregister workers at the working position in self-register mode with their individual ID cards, same way operated by scanned barcodes or RFID tags reading. This becomes visible automatically in central database of whole production system and allows to update manager’s display about precise moment of particular worker was placed into the position. Also this allows centrally update workers allocation information to factory working positions, workers occupation status buffers and individual worker’s performance parameters according to types of performed articles and specific of occupied working positions.
Module is able to actively use industrial devices connections for handling of input and output at working positions equipped with industrial automation. In sample of such functionality could be input from measuring or event sensors (such as weighing terminals, processing transport belts and so on) and command or status input/output devices (such as hardware switches, indication lamps and so on).