Webware RRM for ElCom

Market Surveillance deals with supervising wholesale electricity trading. The focus is hereby on the functioning of the wholesale electricity market and in particular on the detection of insider trading or market manipulation.

In the EU, Regulation No. 1227/2011 on wholesale electricity market integrity and transparency (REMIT) provides the legal basis for the supervision of wholesale electricity trading. Swiss market participants are also concerned by REMIT and the corresponding reporting and registration obligations. Based on article 26a of the Electricity Supply Ordinance of 14 March 2008 (ESO) the same data as reported under REMIT must also be transmitted to ElCom


  • master data management (login market participant, trading, partners, traders, …)
  • validation of XML files for correctness with respect to the current ACER XSD schema
  • message forwarding to ElCom
  • visualization of RRM and ElCom responses or error messages
  • monitoring and logging of data transfer
  • auditability
  • authorization concept
  • multi-client system
