iKvant – Production Automation and Management System
Controlling Module
Control system module is combined console of system management at level of real time production statistics and managing production for finished and semi-goods, goods storage buffers, production semi-goods articles, workers and workplaces, loadings and active orders existing in the system.
At main level of this module it’s possible to define a number of general section groups:
1. Production information with all details starting from year statistics and till detail per article, worker and every single package at each production workflow level precisely counted;
2. Inventory information with groups, qualities and articles of goods on high level of statistics till detailed level with single packages and their history of creation till moment of sale;
3. Orders management with its priority, progress level, browse of articles level and linking to sales and customers;
4. Articles management with all separate levels of raw materials, semi-products and finished goods;
5. Detailed statistics of orders, production by weight, pieces and value on level of individual packages for each production workflow level;
6. Workers management on level of human resources and, full possibility of seeing and managing performance, results and occupation of every worker;
7. Full control of process of orders loading with overview from office, which allows to watch and support in all details process of parallel multiple orders loading from shipping positions in warehouse;
8. Settings maintenance for data viewing and editing for groups of items at various operations and statistics browsing with usage of advanced filter system, which allows performing wanted operations in quick and easy way. Statistic panels equipped with reports and MS Excel output toolboxes.
Download: Flyer Controlling Module